Kevin Sorbo - Building Impact Through Unshakable Authenticity with Kevin Sorbo

The Rhonda Swan Show

Jun 9 2022 • 23 mins

70 movies down, and no end in sight.

My guest today has had many roles in his acting career.

You might know him as Hercules…

Kevin Sorbo has an incredible career to look back to.

From playing Hercules, to countless other movies, commercials and TV shows, he‘s done it all.

But he doesn‘t plan on stopping.

After decades in Hollywood, how does he still keep up?

Well, check out tonight‘s episode and find out how passion influences his daily life, what the reality for most Hollywood actors looks like and where he gets the drive from to do even more!

It was incredible to have Kevin Sorbo on the show!

Go check him out @ksorbo !

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