Nihongo no Tane 110 家族バンド Family Band | Japanese Immersion podcast

にほんごのたね Nihongo no Tane with Yumi

Nov 7 2022 • 5 mins

Yumi’s family band! It was one of her dreams and recently her family had a chance to perform. Listen as she tells us her thoughts on families coming together to perform.


弾(ひ)きます to play (stringed instrument such as piano or guitar)

中級(ちゅうきゅう)の初(はつ)め beginning of intermediate stage

音符(おんぷ) musical notes

伴奏(ばんそう) (musical) accompaniment

演奏(えんそう) (musical) performance

上手(うま)い下手(へた)  skillful or unskilled

素人(しろうと)の私(わたし) an amateur such as I am

長男(ちょうなん) eldest son

担当(たんとう)の人(ひと) person in charge

急遽(きゅうきょ) hurriedly; in a hurry

いろいろ原因(げんいん) various causes

感動的(かんどうてき) impressive; moving

録音(ろくおん) audio recording

録画(ろくが) video recording

年(とし)を経(へ)るにしたがって as the years go by

成長(せいちょう) growth; becoming an adult

出番(でばん) one’s turn on stage; one’s shift

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