Community Corner #5 - Young Parents Network

Buzz Bites

Feb 21 2024 • 28 mins

In this Rayser's Buzz Bites - Community Corner episode, Emily Burds interviews Alejandro Pino from the Young Parents Network (YPN) and Kala Liebe from Rayser's Support Services team, who is currently a member of the YPN Board of Directors. They discuss the mission and programs of YPN, which aims to support and stabilize young families, educate them, and empower them to thrive. YPN offers group programming and home visitation programs and runs the Eastern Iowa Diaper Bank. They emphasize the importance of community involvement and invite listeners to volunteer, donate, and participate in YPN's upcoming events, including a Rayser Diaper Drive happening in March!

If you'd like to learn more about YPN, visit their website at And if you're involved in an area community organization that you'd like to have highlighted in the Community Corner, please don't hesitate to reach out to Emily!

This episode is a part of Rayser's "Buzz Bites" podcast, hosted by Rayser Holdings' marketing coordinator, Emily Burds. Questions or feedback for the podcast can be sent to Buzz Bites can be found on Anchor, Spotify, Google Podcasts, YouTube, iHeartRadio, and Amazon Music.