5 Easy Ways to Raise Your Frequency From Funk to Fabulous FAST

Design Your Dream Year

Sep 27 2023 • 31 mins

Feeling BLEGH? Here’s 5 quick and easy ways to raise your frequency RIGHT NOW in order to feel better, ENJOY your day more AND start attracting everything you'd’ like to manifest. 💕 ✨ 👉 Check out my brand NEW manifestation community, The Blissful Life Blueprint, which gives you a step-by-step path to quickly bridge the gap between your current reality and your ideal, most fulfilling life 😍✨🤩 👉 Get your manifestation subliminal audios right here to reprogram your subconscious mind to attract wealth, success and your wildest dreams 🎧💰🌈 👉 Connect with me on Instagram for loads more tips + inspiration  💖 Enjoying this podcast? Please support the show by taking just 2 seconds to rate and review! (It helps me out a TON. 😊) Here’s how: ⬇️ All you have to do is go to this page right here and then scroll down past the list of episodes to where it says “Ratings & Reviews,” then just tap “write a review” (OR just tap the 5 stars!) Thank you! 🙏🏻 Thank you so much for listening! ❤️ Until the next episode … xoxo Allison P.S. This podcast is about all things mindset, manifestation, the law of attraction, self healing and development to help you create a better, more