Fred & George's Fits & Giggles

Critical Magic Theory: An Analytical Harry Potter Podcast

Mar 6 2024 • 54 mins

Are Fred and George Weasley merely the jesters of the Wizarding World, or is there a darker side to their antics? Join me, Professor Julian Wamble, for a  journey through the magical mayhem of the Weasley twins, where we scrutinize their pranks and entrepreneurial exploits to uncover the true nature of these iconic characters.

This episode promises to explore the complexities of familial relationships within the Weasley clan, particularly the influence of Molly and Arthur on their twin tricksters.
Our  discussion culminates with an exploration of Fred and George's undeniable charisma, a trait that allows them to charm their way out of trouble and into our hearts. But, does this charisma excuse their transgressions? We'll consider this, and much more!

Episode Discussion Question: Would we love Fred & George  as much and forgive them for their mischief as much if they were girls?

Survey for Ron Weasley

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