EP 9: AI Bull S**t in the Interior Design Industry

AI for Interior Designers Podcast

May 1 2024 • 26 mins

In this episode, Jenna discusses the use of AI in interior design and highlights some unethical practices. She emphasizes the importance of disclosing the use of AI in design work and calls out larger accounts that share AI-generated images without proper attribution. Jenna also criticizes the sale of preset AI image bundles, arguing that designers can create their own custom images using AI tools. She provides tips on how to spot AI images, such as looking for grainy quality, unusual furniture legs, blurry details, and incorrect lighting. Jenna encourages designers to do the right thing and be transparent about their use of AI.


  • Disclosing the use of AI in design work is essential for ethical practices.
  • Larger accounts should properly attribute AI-generated images instead of passing them off as their own work.
  • Selling preset AI image bundles is unnecessary and limits designers' creativity.
  • Designers can create their own custom images using AI tools and save money in the process.
  • Spotting AI images can be done by examining the quality, furniture legs, blurry details, lighting, and other giveaways.
  • Transparency and honesty are crucial in the AI-driven world of interior design.

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