Ep29 - Breaking Barriers | Women in Defence Forces | Lt. Sandhya Suri

Masters Decoded

Oct 19 2023 • 1 hr 1 min

Introducing Lt. Sandhya Suri, an Indian Navy veteran, TEDx Speaker, and dynamic motivational speaker. A recipient of numerous awards as an inspirational icon, she's dedicated to unlocking the potential of leadership teams and fostering business transformation. With 29+ years of diverse experience, her work as a Change Enabler, mentor, and coach is centered on community building, wellbeing, culture transformation, and empowerment. She's a bridge between industry and academia, preparing students and veterans for placement readiness. Currently, Sandhya's focus lies in catalyzing engagement, forging collaborations, and creating opportunities for those seeking a platform to thrive.

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Connect with Sandhya Suri on his social media platforms:

LinkedIn - sandhyasuriindia

Facebook - LtSandhyaSuri

Instagram - sandhyasuri_official

Twitter - sandinmyfist

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