Exploring Customer Experience and the BPO Industry with Lian Rowlands: Insights From Airport Operations to CX Technology

CX Diaries - with Keith Gait

Oct 9 2023 • 29 mins

Did you ever wonder about the unique challenges of managing Customer Experience at airports? Lian Rowlands, an industry insider and founder of TAYMA Solutions, takes the hot seat to unpack this complexity and more. We explore the fascinating world of the airline customer, the critical role of recovery processes, and the necessity for lightning-fast reactions in the face of unexpected issues. Lian’s insights shine a light on the inner workings of airport customer experience that often fly under the radar.

Our conversation takes flight as we delve into the synergy between BPO and CX technology. Lian spotlights the importance of finding a partner who truly understands your brand and customers - not a one-size-fits-all solution.

We discover how technology is reshaping customer journeys and the potential pitfalls of generative AI. Lian also encourages us to take the time to find the right technology, a crucial lesson she’s learned from her own experiences in the field.

Before we land, we make time for some career advice for the upcoming professionals in the industry. Lian shares her journey through the BPO industry, from her initial foray to founding TAYMA Solutions.

Plus, we side-step into Lian's personal passions - food and music, and her recent foray to the Big Festival.

With this episode, you’re in for a deep-dive into customer experience and the BPO industry, garnished with fascinating personal insights from an industry veteran.