An Iterative Approach to Localized Marketing for SaaS and Software: Interview with David Vogelpohl

Growth Stage by FastSpring

Feb 14 2023 • 37 mins

As a former agency owner, now the Chief Marketing Officer at FastSpring, David Vogelpohl has helped many software companies scale around the world. EJ interviewed him for insights into how to build a global marketing strategy, especially when it comes to localization.

They covered:

  • An iterative approach to localizing marketing efforts
  • A step-by-step guide to looking for regional growth opportunities
  • How to use insights from our 2022 Emerging Customer Markets report
  • Finding regional marketing and localization partners

Transcript for this episode.

This podcast is brought to you by FastSpring. As the leading merchant of record payment platform for SaaS and software, FastSpring lets you reduce your payments, subscriptions, entitlements, fulfillment, and tax management stack down to one. We manage all the hard parts of transacting globally allowing you to focus on moving your business farther, faster.