In God I Find Rest

Be Hoopoe

Nov 4 2023 • 5 mins

We will not find rest “true lasting rest” in no other one but our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who is and shall always be our prince of Peace.  He has promised that if we focus our minds on him and heavenly things, those things of goodness and his righteousness we will come to the place of his perfect peace.  This peace will not be logical to the human mind because this peace is high above logic and is not subject to the laws of logic or your situation or circumstance.  His peace disregards your condition and replaces it with his in heavenly places.  In him there is no room for fear regardless of what we experience when we become determined to draw close to him and embrace his perfect love.  We are in an ancient war for our souls and for our personal faith in Christ.  Yet be encouraged Jesus overcame the world and the world systems including Death and the Grave.  By his unfailing love for us which was demonstrated and beatified by his death and resurrection.  “We the body of Christ” we have been ordained through him and by him to overcome all the evil devices and sufferings this world brings in our lives.