Big Hairy Audacious Goals with Serial Entrepreneur Rajashree Varma

The Fruition Podcast

Oct 4 2023 • 1 hr 1 min

For all the analytical minds out there who appreciate a structured approach, this one's for you! Raj shares the massive milestones she's achieved since she was a kid, judged by her community for receiving an education as a woman in Pune, India. She comes from a lineage of radical visionaries who saw limitless potential for the women in her family and encouraged her to dream as big as possible. She graduated as part of the inaugural class of Asia's first women's engineering college then boarded a plane to the US with two dreams -  #1: Work for Microsoft (she had no clue where in the world it was) and #2: Start her own business. She didn't know it at the time but she was setting Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAG) and achieving them systematically, but also with immense courage. You will hear that Raj has been steadfast in the pursuit of her dreams no matter how unbelievable the sound and it has paid off massively. We talk about multi-generational success, confidence, negotiations, the power of action, and allowing your next step to come to you. She's incredibly transparent, even sharing her thought process around a second child during her peak career years. Get your notepads out, you're going to be ready for some big steps after this one!

My Current Obsession: The Sculpt Society

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