Rewiring Your Brain to Thrive: Creative Health with Clinical Psychology Researcher and Entrepreneur Katina Bajaj

The Fruition Podcast

Dec 13 2023 • 1 hr 15 mins

Clinical psychology researcher, founder, published author and blogger Katina Bajaj joins us to break down why creative health is fundamental to everybody's overall wellbeing (especially "non-artists") and how you can address yours with simple actions today. She shares her own experience with languishing during her time in investment banking which inspired her to question the commonly accepted systems in society that are making us less human and more robot. She confirms from a scientific perspective that we're all capable of flourishing, but many of us are stuck in a state of 'blah'. We discuss why it's important to address this state, how she got out of it herself and the career journey that it inadvertently sent her on. Katina and her co-founder, Dupi, have designed a platform called Daydreamers to provide tools that will send your brain and life on an upward spiral by getting you into a flow state, thinking critically and improving your creative health. Listen in to hear how Katina is applying science and her personal experience to reject hyper-productivity, hustle culture, and obsessive achievement while building a company in a way that feels good and produces better results.

My Current Obsession: A mindful morning routine

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On Adulting


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