Real Estate 101

Jun 22 2022 • 12 mins

Which Home Renovations Generate the Highest ROI? Did you know that not all home renovations affect your home’s value? In other words, your ROI could be next to nothing on some renovations. Even if you do see a return on your investment, it’s sometimes less than half of what you paid. Was it worth it? Fortunately, many home renovations provide an exceptional return on your investment. Knowing what they are and how much of a return you’ll get can help you decide. Why Home Renovations Affect Your Home Value Before we get into the list of renovations you should consider, let’s look at why home renovations affect your value. When you improve your home, you improve its features or its quality, both of which affect the home’s value. Buyers are more likely to pay more for a home that’s recently renovated than one that needs repairs and/or is outdated. But which home renovations should you do? Full Article: https://ronevansrealty.com/blog.html/which-home-renovations-generate-the-highest-roi-7723304 More Content: https://linktr.ee/ronevansrealty #homerenovation #homevalue #improvehomevalue #renovations