Unleashing Innovation with AI and Machine Learning

The Kinetic Enterprise(tm): Built to Evolve, Presented by Deloitte

Jun 11 2021 • 56 mins

The maturity of intelligent technologies continues to grow by leaps and bounds. And industry leaders are taking advantage of the latest artificial intelligence and machine learning solutions to innovate, drive their businesses forward, and gain an edge. But with limitless possibilities for intelligent automation, determining where to place your bets can be challenging. For many organizations, finance and the supply chain will be obvious starting points for innovation—rich with opportunities to automate tedious processes, increase information visibility, and deliver exceptional service. Our panel of Deloitte transformation professionals will discuss the latest machine intelligence technologies and how you can strategically deploy them to make an impact in finance, the supply chain, and beyond. Get insights that can help you ride the waves of disruption, act swiftly on opportunities, and enable a built-to-evolve enterprise. We’ll ask Jagjeet Singh, Denise McGuigan, and Hernan Krymkiewiez at Deloitte for their insights on The Kinetic Enterprise: Unleashing Innovation with AI and Machine Learning.