Getting More Clients To Show For Advisor Meetings | Ep 16

Banking on Sales Success with Brian Drake

Nov 17 2023 • 6 mins

In episode 16 of the Banking on Sales Success podcast, host Brian Drake dives into a frustration many bankers face: clients not showing up for appointments.

Discover the psychology behind these no-shows and unlock a game-changing strategy that not only increases client attendance but also supercharges your advisor's ability to close deals.

Brian shares a simple yet powerful approach to collecting financial statements, framing it as a direct benefit for clients.

Learn the conversation pivot that makes clients willingly share their statements, setting the stage for a fully prepared meeting.

The real magic happens when confirming appointments. Brian introduces a language shift that reignites clients' emotions and curiosity, increasing the likelihood they'll honor their commitment.

If you're tired of dealing with no-shows and want to enhance your client interactions, this episode is a must-listen.

For further guidance or questions, connect with Brian on LinkedIn or Email.
