Juniors, This Begins This Week!

Ivy League Prep Academy Podcast

Feb 5 2024 • 14 mins

Attention Juniors! This is the week that you should be sending out your emails to future recommendation letter writers.

You've worked hard to be a great student.
Your teachers love you.
You might think that is enough to ensure you will get a great letter of recommendation.

But the reality is that very few teachers ever receive any kind of training on how to write an outstanding letter of recommendation.
So those letters often end up sounding the same... ("I love having [name] in my class, they are always prepared for class, they ask great questions, they help out their peers... you'd be luck to have him/her on your campus...")

If you plan to apply to a school that is selective, then nearly all of the recommendation letters for nearly all of the applicants will sound nearly identical.

And yet recommendation letters can be the difference maker and ensure you get accepted rather than rejected.

This link takes you to the other podcast episode that I referenced in the show: https://www.theivyleaguechallenge.com/podcast-how-to-get-outstanding-letters-of-recommendation-1


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