Building a Community-Driven and Sustainable Fashion Brand: Insights from Kristian Hansen, Founder and CEO of Slo

IMpulse - The Influencer Marketing Podcast

Oct 17 2023 • 34 mins

Hello, and welcome to another episode of IMpulse: The Influencer Marketing Podcast. I'm your host, Prateek Panda, VP of Marketing at Phyllo. It’s my pleasure to welcome Kristian Hansen, Founder and CEO of Slo, a community-driven slow fashion brand. Tune in to learn more about the environmental impact of fast fashion and how Slo, a sustainable fashion brand, aims to challenge industry norms. The conversation also highlights the challenges of influencer marketing and the need to focus on engagement and demographics rather than just follower count while emphasizing the importance of aligning with creators who share the brand's values. Kristian also talks about the value of email marketing and its effectiveness in connecting with customers.