The Intersection of Maths and Marketing Magic: Leveraging AI in Influencer Marketing with Rita Zahir

IMpulse - The Influencer Marketing Podcast

Jan 16 2024 • 29 mins

Hello, and welcome to another episode of IMpulse: The Influencer Marketing Podcast. I'm your host, Prateek Panda, VP of Marketing at Phyllo. Today, it’s my pleasure to welcome Rita Zahir, Marketing Consultant and VP of Marketing and E-commerce at DAVID GALAN and Let's Get Disruptive. Grab a coffee and join us as we discuss the importance of data-driven approaches and specific strategies in influencer marketing. Rita shares her hot take on the topic, emphasizing the need for direct response marketing and measuring the impact of influencers. We also delve into the role of AI in customer targeting and acquisition, highlighting its ability to personalize experiences and provide actionable insights.