Creating a Movement: How Community Can Transform Your Brand: A Discussion with Lloyed Lobo, Co-Founder and Board Member of Boast

IMpulse - The Influencer Marketing Podcast

Oct 31 2023 • 38 mins

Hello, and welcome to another episode of IMpulse: The Influencer Marketing Podcast. I'm your host, Prateek Panda, VP of Marketing at Phyllo. It’s my pleasure to welcome Lloyed Lobo, Co-Founder, and Board Member at Boast, a fintech platform that provides R&D funding to help innovative companies fuel their growth. Lloyed is also the Co-Founder of Traction, a global community of over 100,000 entrepreneurs and innovators. Join us as we explore the importance of building a community for brands. We share personal experiences and practical steps for creating a successful community and discuss the concept of "brand rub" and how associating with bigger brands can enhance a brand's social credit. Lloyed further introduces the traits of successful communities and emphasizes the value of consistency and engagement.