Why Brands Should Be Their Own Influencers: Full Disclosure with Lola Oritz of Smart Cookie Media

IMpulse - The Influencer Marketing Podcast

Sep 19 2023 • 30 mins

Hello, and welcome to another episode of IMpulse: The Influencer Marketing Podcast. I'm your host, Prateek Panda, VP of Marketing at Phyllo. Today, it’s my pleasure to welcome Lola Oritz, Executive Director at Smart Cookie Media, a marketing consultancy for establishing brand advocacy. Lola brings over a decade of experience in research-driven marketing to our podcast. Listen to the podcast to discover why traditional influencer marketing is fast being replaced by brands that become their own influencers. We also explore the importance of understanding the target audience, authenticity in content creation, the rise of user-generated content, and other marketing trends you should know about.