Our Infinite Potential with Imani Quinn

Healer Dealer®

Jul 10 2020 • 1 hr 12 mins

In This Episode We Talk About:Imani's work as a quantum oracle, being in multiple dimension at multiple times, overlapping timelines, quantum ceremonies, our infinite potential, coming from a line of intuitive women, enjoying simplicity, the roles we play in building a new world, not judging anger and why black joy is a revolution


Guest Bio:

Imani Quinn

Imani is a Quantum Oracle and co-host of the spirituality podcast The Woke Mystix. She has 15 years experience using oracle decks, 5 years of dream work interpretation, coming from a lineage of intuitive women and she works within quantum healing. Imani was mentored most of her life by her mother who is a channel for spirit and an intuitive. She has most recently been working with a shamanic quantum healer, through oral teachings and initiation she has come up with the pillars of Quantum and the 7 Frequencies used in the Quantum Connection series. The intention of her work as a quantum healer and Oracle is to help others expand and shift their consciousness by harmonizing frequencies and identifying important aspects of the psyche through spirit communication of the past, present and future and consciousness. She wants to help guide you so that you can live through the power of your own intuition and work with your energetic vibration and frequency for your souls highest purpose within the quantum realm.


Thank you to Gwella and Source Point Wellness for sponsoring this episode!

Source Point Wellness: Kind, Compassionate and Mindful Medicine. Source Point Wellness is an integrative healing oasis located in Los Angeles that combines Chinese, functional and spiritual medicine, along with a bit of magic. Their team of experts offer virtual healing services to anyone in the world, including integrative telemedicine, herbal medicine, distance acupuncture and reiki, goddess acupuncture, Akashic readings, chakra balancing, healing energy work, EFT, and customized breathwork.

Please follow @sourcepointwellness or email Dr.Cohen directly at Gwella is an app that was created by three siblings who believe in the power of self healing and working with amazing healers along the path to wellness. Follow us @getgwella on IG to learn more about connecting healers and explorers!

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This podcast is for educational purposes only. The host claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the information presented herein.