Redefining Success

Healer Dealer®

Aug 14 2020 • 23 mins

If you are interested in the Journey to The Empress Program send an email to to learn more!    Diana Zalucky is The Empress Advisor™, a Spiritual Advisor for entrepreneurs, helping create massive clarity to make room for your next million dollar idea. Her sessions create a soft and safe place to tune into and receive your soul’s divinely sourced flow, opening you up to remembering who you are as a cosmic being. Empowering Empresses like you to support the masses, Diana blends her work in the Akashic Records with her gifts as a medium and psychic to channel loving and direct insight to support you on your journey.  Diana specializes in guiding you to remember who you are as a cosmic light being who came here to rise, to be seen and to support the collective with your gifts. Diana recently launched Journey to the Empress, a 3-month 1:1 mentorship program designed to bring greater passion, clarity and confidence into all parts of your life. This program provides you with the tools and guidance to develop a deep trust in your gifts, the ability to use your intuition to direct your life and a genuine understanding of the power of self-love.

Diana is also the host of The Healer Dealer Podcast™ where she connects her listeners to the tools to empower the healer within themselves through conversations with the modern mystics, healers and visionaries of our time!   ________________________________________________________________

Thank you to Gwella and Source Point Wellness for sponsoring this episode!

Source Point Wellness: Kind, Compassionate and Mindful Medicine. Source Point Wellness is an integrative healing oasis located in Los Angeles that combines Chinese, functional and spiritual medicine, along with a bit of magic. Their team of experts offer virtual healing services to anyone in the world, including integrative telemedicine, herbal medicine, distance acupuncture and reiki, goddess acupuncture, Akashic readings, chakra balancing, healing energy work, EFT, and customized breathwork.

Please follow @sourcepointwellness or email Dr.Cohen directly at Gwella is an app that was created by three siblings who believe in the power of self healing and working with amazing healers along the path to wellness. Follow us @getgwella on IG to learn more about connecting healers and explorers!

Gwella so excited to be creating community and connecting healers with explorers through an app. Gwella was born out of frustration in finding healers when one founder moved to a new city and traveled to multiple cities for work, but wanted to continue her growth. We hope that others will find healers through gwella with a few clicks on their devices. We are so excited to have you on this journey with us! download now from the apple store download now from google play

This podcast is for educational purposes only. The host claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the information presented herein.