S2 : E2 Han Yuan: Being in the right place at the right time

Starteando with Iggy

Nov 8 2023 • 51 mins

Excited to announce the second episode of the second season of Starteando with Iggy, where I had the pleasure of hosting Han-Shen (Han) Yuan, bringing with him over 20+ years of expertise and a treasure trove of invaluable lessons and stories. In this episode, we delve into diverse topics, spanning from the art of building startups to the intricacies of working in well-established companies, exploring the journey of creating and launching products from scratch. Han's vast knowledge encompasses organizational design, product strategy, operations, and software engineering. With executive leadership roles at industry giants like Recharge, Upwork, Netflix, and eBay, he played pivotal roles in the development, scaling, and global launch of cutting-edge product and engineering solutions. Furthermore, Han's entrepreneurial spirit led him to co-found several ventures and collaborate with numerous startups. His extensive experience also extends to serving as an interim CPO, CTPO, and CTO, where he has offered invaluable guidance and consulting to executives across diverse organizations. Han holds both a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research from University of California, Berkley. If you find this episode as enlightening as we do, I invite you to share it with your friends and colleagues. Your feedback matters – please consider leaving us a rating on your preferred platforms. Happy listening!