S2 : E5 Deepak Shrivastava: Jumping into something unknown

Starteando with Iggy

Apr 2 2024 • 52 mins

🎙️ Excited to share the fifth episode of the second season of Starteando with Iggy!! 🚀 🌟

In this episode, I had the opportunity to interview Deepak Shrivastava, who is currently building his third company - Sunrise.ai 🏗Deepak shares insights from his journey of transitioning from a traditional career path to embracing the entrepreneurial world, along with the valuable lessons and challenges he's encountered.

If you find this episode as enlightening as we do, I invite you to share it with your friends and colleagues. Your feedback is invaluable – please consider leaving us a rating on your preferred platforms. Happy listening! ✨✨