Chapter 5 - The Way of Women

Raising Rebeca Books

Feb 2 2024 • 14 mins

Did you know that 38% of startups fail for lack of funding? How about that only 2.3% of VC funding goes to women-owned businesses? At the same time, women-owned businesses generate 10% more revenue in five years than male-owned businesses, and the return for investors in female-led companies is double that of male-led companies.

Maybe there's a better way to run businesses than how it's been done for the last few centuries. Maybe it's a woman's way.

Listen in as Rebeca recounts the tale of a recent meeting with some fellow businesswomen and how different an experience it is from when men are involved. And if you're a businesswoman 40 or over with a book to publish about how you succeeded, how you did it a woman's way, we want to hear about it. You can find submission guidelines and instructions for Rebeca Books at