Ep. 3 - Exposed! Lies of the test prep industry and how to prepare your kids for the SAT & ACT // Jean Burk

The Christy-Faith Show

Dec 30 2023 • 44 mins

Ep. 3 - Exposed! Lies of the test prep industry and how to prepare your kids for the SAT & ACT // Jean Burk


Hidden beneath the sparkly veneer of the test prep industry lies a shadowy realm of deceit, adding undue stress and financial strain to the journey. Learn how test prep done right can have a profound impact on test scores that cause college doors to swing wide open, along with scholarship offers and free rides.

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  • 00:00 🔍 Test prep companies use shady practices like giving difficult diagnostic tests, homeschooling can lead to free college and scholarships, and expensive prep schools manipulate test scores and deceive parents.
  • 05:56 📚 The test prep industry provides a program for students to retake tests, and starting test prep early in middle school can lead to significant score improvements on the SAT and ACT.
  • 13:42 📝 Standardized test prep is a separate skill set not taught in schools, and colleges use SAT and ACT scores to compare students fairly, leading to a need for better test prep strategies.
  • 21:13 📝 Studying for SAT and ACT at home reduces anxiety, CLT test is good for homeschoolers, solid math foundation is important, focus on getting scholarships from schools, common data set helps find schools for free college.
  • 26:14 📚 Consistent effort and practice in test prep can lead to success, as demonstrated by students with learning disabilities achieving high scores and full scholarships, with the potential for free college and even colleges paying for the speaker to stay.
  • 31:13 📚 Homeschoolers have an advantage in SAT and ACT prep by focusing on reading, vocabulary, and reading comprehension skills from an early age, and parents can help by setting an example and making test prep a regular class in their homeschool.
  • 37:46 📚 Incorporating test prep is important for standardized tests, as high scores can lead to opportunities for scholarships and success in various professions.
  • 42:16 📝 The speaker discusses their test prep program for the SAT and ACT, including updates for the digital SAT and PSAT in 2024, and offers free updates for those who purchase the program, as well as the differences between SAT and ACT test prep and praises the affordability and effectiveness of the Christy 5050 program.



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