Fixing fake news and misinformation online using Robust AI models | Prof. Srijan Kumar

Jay Shah Podcast

May 3 2023 • 1 hr 33 mins

Dr. Srijan Kumar is an Assistant professor at Georgia Tech with research interests in combating misinformation and harmful content on online platforms, building robust AI models prone to adversarial attacks, and behavior modeling for more accurate recommender systems. Before joining Georgia Tech, he was a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University and completed his Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Maryland. He has received multiple awards for his research work, including Forbes 30u30 and being named a Kavli Fellow by the National Academy of Sciences.

Time stamps of the conversation
00:01:00 Introductions
00:01:45 Background and Interest in AI
00:05:27 Current research interests
00:09:50 What is misinformation?
00:15:07 ChatGPT and misinformation
00:23:40 How can AI help detect misinformation?
00:39:15 Twitter's Birdwatch platform to detect fake/misleading news
00:56:38 Detecting fake bots on Twitter
01:03:39 Adversarial training to build robust AI models
01:05:31 Robustness vs Generalizability in machine learning
01:11:40 Navigating your interest in the field of AI/machine learning
01:19:22 Doing a Ph.D. and working in Industry vs Academia
01:24:22 Focusing on Quality of Research rather than Quantity
01:31:23 Advice to young people interested in AI

Dr. Kumar's homepage:

About the Host:
Jay is a Ph.D. student at Arizona State University.
Homepage: for any queries.

Stay tuned for upcoming webinars!

***Disclaimer: The information contained in this video represents the views and opinions of the speaker and does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of any institution. It does not constitute an endorsement by any Institution or its affiliates of such video content.***

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