Brand Positioning Examples - Define Your Brand Enemy [Pick a Fight With Your Brand]

The Unified Brand - Branding Podcast

Dec 1 2022 • 6 mins

Brand Positioning Examples - Define Your Brand Enemy

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Ask yourself… why would your audience care about your brand, if you don’t know what you’re fighting for?

Conflict is key to telling a captivating story, no matter what form that story takes. So, if you want to draw your audience in, here are 4 ways to use an enemy in your brand’s strategy.

1. Start with your brand’s purpose
Get to the root of why you started your brand. It’s the easiest way to build the foundation for a cause your brand’s audience can rally behind.

2. Position your brand against a competitor with contrasting values
This is how you send the message your brand is different from your competitors. So, if you think your brand’s competition is bad to the bone, shout it from the rooftops!

3. Pick a problem your audience is experiencing and run with it.
At the end of it all, the focus should be on the wants of your brand’s audience. These types of brand enemies have huge potential to build a loyal audience. Who will be grateful you rescued them when they needed your brand the most.

4. Shape your brand’s values around your audience
Double points if you also know the audience that you brand doesn’t want to attract. Like Apple, you’ll be using our innate need to want to belong and to play ‘us vs them’.


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