What is Your #1 Question About Gluten Sensitivity?

Dr. Osborne’s Zone

Mar 14 2024 • 45 mins

We surveyed 1000 people and asked them... What is your #1 question about Gluten Sensitivity? Top 10 answers on the board...
#1: Is [my symptom/disease] related to gluten sensitivity? For a full list of symptoms, go here - glutenfreesociety.org/symptoms
#2: What can I eat, and what should I avoid? Gluten Free Food List - glutenfreesociety.org/foodguide Items to Avoid - glutenfreesociety.org/notgf Grain Free Recipes - glutenfreesociety.org/recipe
#3: What happens if I eat gluten (and am positive for gluten sensitivity)? glutenfreesociety.org/glutendamage
#4: Why didn't I experience it before, and will it ever go away? Learn more - glutenfreesociety.org/what-is-gluten
#5: Can you confirm a sensitivity without testing? Here's how to test - glutenfreesociety.org/genetictesting
#6: Why can some people still tolerate gluten?
#7: How long after going GF do you start to feel better?
#8: How do you heal your gut after years of damage? glutenfreesociety.org/leakygut
#9: Is it possible to experience gluten withdrawal symptoms? Learn more - glutenfreesociety.org/gws
#10: Does gluten sensitivity affect Mental Health? Gluten and Brain - glutenfreesociety.org/leakybrain

On this week's episode of Dr. Osborne's Zone, Dr. Osborne answers the top 10 questions on the board! You definitely don't want to miss this one!