68\\ Second Chances...Are You Ready For One? Prepare Your Heart To Start This Season Anew

YOUR STORY IS A LEGACY with Rosanna Giacalone - Life Story Guide, Spiritual Healer, Joy & Beauty Creator

Apr 10 2023 • 8 mins

Good morning Beautiful Soul,

I hope you had a wonderful Easter and Passover.  If you are not celebrating either of these Holidays, let me invite you into the sadness and ultimate triumph and celebration each of these holidays bring. They both end in a time of redemption; a time for second chances, a time to be freed of our sins.

There is a Psalm I read at the start of Holy Week which began last Sunday.  It reads: “Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.”

During this season of Spring and rebirth, it seems only appropriate that we should, repent ask for forgiveness and be cleansed whiter than snow.

Imagine the purity and beauty for a moment of unblemished snow and ask yourself what it is you need to be forgiven and cleansed for?

What habit has prevented you from being all you are called to be?

Listen in and start anew!

Until next week, I'm sending you so much light and love,


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