83\\ Are You Living A Charitable LIfe? A Personal Story & Ways You Can Start Today

YOUR STORY IS A LEGACY with Rosanna Giacalone - Life Story Guide, Spiritual Healer, Joy & Beauty Creator

Sep 25 2023 • 11 mins

Hello Beautiful Soul,

It takes one voice to galvanize other voices into action to start social change in this world.  The kind of change can help solve world problems.

How can you be a part of this great movement?  In this week's episode, I talk about an incredible movie I just saw called, "Uncharitable" on this very topic and help you ways to discover the causes that you are most passionate about and the talents you have to have to use in this world.

I can't wait to hear your stories.  Please post them in our wonderful private Facebook community: My Magnus Opus Community.

Until next week, I'm sending you so much light and love, Rosanna