Starting a Nonprofit for Girls with Charlotte Wasserman of It's A Girl's Life - Ep 25

In Your Ellement

Aug 17 2022 • 18 mins

Some take challenges in their middle school and high school years and make something of it later in life - today's guest Charlotte, on the other hand, started a non-profit AND a podcast. Her non-profit, It's a Girls Life, is geared at helping young women build resilience and motivation younger in life. Abby and Charlotte talk about how these two things have shown up in their lives and how you can work with them.


Charlotte Wasserman has always dreamed of creating change and impacting other girls.

She started a blog for girls in 2015 after facing the typical middle school challenges socially and academically. She wanted to learn how to build confidence, how to stop feeling the need to be perfect, how to find a core group of friends who supported her, and how to bounce back from setbacks.

She created It's A Girl's Life because she wanted to share the tools and skills she was learning with other teens. She partnered with a California-based organization to create the first of three GET GRITTY Cleveland events for teen girls. She hosted events in 2019, Spring 2020, and the first virtual event in Fall of 2020.

In early 2021, Charlotte decided she wanted to focus her mission and share her vision and passion even further, creating her own 501c3.  It's A Girl's Life was granted official non- profit status in August 2021. It’s A Girl’s Life empowers girls to be R.E.A.L (Resilient, Empowered, Authentic, Leaders) through local and national events and other initiatives.

Through this nonprofit, Charlotte and her team continue to create programs, events, and content to connect, support, and motivate teen girls to be unstoppable.

​Charlotte will know she has succeeded once “our educational platform is one of the top resources for teen girls in the nation, and our basic program is available to all girls for free through their local middle and high schools.”



In Your Ellement is a teen-hosted podcast covering conversations with teen allies. Sixteen-year-old host and TEDx speaker, Abby Jones, chats with some of the most inspiring educators, creators, and changemakers reflecting on their teen years, what makes them feel the most “in their element” on the daily, and things they wish they had known as a teenager.


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