3 Powerful Mind Exercises to Overcome Negative Thoughts

MindGym - Rapid Mindset Change Workout

Jun 6 2021 • 7 mins

Negative thoughts are those coming frequently and randomly in our mind and are anxiety-producing, unpleasant and affect the quality of our life and if it is constant and frequent, it may lead to anxiety, low self-esteem, depression and so on. Negative thoughts can impact your life severely, even dozens of studies have proven how obsessive negative thinking creates a self-defeating cycle that retards the body’s healing process. But the good news is, with some bit of effort, we can prevent some of the negative effects and improve the quality of our life.

With some basic countering techniques, you can learn to get rid of negative thoughts and live a completely different life of bliss and happiness.

Remember that countering negative thoughts takes time and commitment. Also, these techniques are not a substitute for taking medical help if the negative thinking pattern is causing serious health concerns and becomes a mental illness.

I have shared here 3 mental exercises to prevent and overcome negative thoughts. I practice them and they helped me enormously.

Hope these exercises will help you too. Please share your thoughts at nabanitaguha@lifefulfil.com, I would love to hear from you.

Happy listening!!