Know About Your Mental Block and 5 Tips to Overcome It to Boost Productivity

MindGym - Rapid Mindset Change Workout

Aug 8 2021 • 6 mins

What is a mental block? Why does it happen?

A mental block is a psychological barrier. Your brain is facing a barrier to access creativity, productivity, or motivation. In most cases, you just need to reset your system to function fine. When you work with a laptop or a mobile phone and it gets stuck or performs slowly, the general IT advice for troubleshooting is to switch it off and on again. It’s similar in our case also. But if it occurs too frequently and we feel confused, cluttered, we need to further scan and get into the root cause to eliminate it.

Mental blocks are quite normal, don’t be scared or stressed. I have shared 5 tips for you to practice and certainly you will be able to beat it whenever it comes.

Listen to it and have a joyful life.

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