Past Is No Place to Park Yourself - 3 Tips to Take Control Over Your Life

MindGym - Rapid Mindset Change Workout

Jul 18 2021 • 7 mins

Are you spending a lot of time thinking about the past lately? 7 out of 10 people I spoke to last week, spoke a lot about their old days, how life used to be before Covid grabbed the world, the independence, the happiness the comfort, and so on. Fundamentally, there is no harm in thinking fondly about the glorious past and recalling how wonderful life used to be. But is it something we are doing more than natural these days? If so, what is making us doing so? Is it ok? Does it help or it does not?

As scientists say, this is an illustration of the general idea that my life now doesn’t seem as good as it will look in retrospect but there is a big difference between thinking about the past and living in the past. If you prefer living in the past, that is a huge problem.

Listen to my podcast and move to an optimistic place, take control over your life.

Happy Listening!