The Divinity of Horses with Lidia Kuleshnyk

Everything Horses & More! Podcasts

Jun 8 2023 • 1 hr 5 mins

This month our guest speaker is Lidia Kuleshnyk, also known as Lady Epona. She will be talking to us about her new book “Co-Creating With The Divine - The Divinity Of Horses.”

Lidia has had a deep relationship with horses, animals, and nature her entire life. Since childhood, horses and animals have come to Lidia in dreams, as Pillars of Light. In times of hardship, when no answers could be found, it was through Lidia’s connection with the natural world, and the guidance of the spirits of animals, that Lidia found the solutions she needed.

Lidia dreams told her to dedicate her life to holistic healing with reiki and macrobiotics. During these experiences she experienced firsthand the power of these modalities to heal her own chronic health conditions.

In addition to her B.Sc. in Psychology, Lidia is a trained therapist. She has an Advanced Counselling Certification from George Brown College, and has been a member of Coachville and OACCPP/OAMHP (Ontario Association of Mental Health Professionals) for many years.

Lidia, also known as "Lady Apona", brings together 30 years of training, expertise, and experience in her Apona Healing to help both humans and horses heal. As a therapist and holistic coach, Lidia offers Equine-Assisted Therapy and Equine Healing Retreats to help clients return to wholeness through heart-centered, transformational relationships with horses.

“You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.” - Swami Vivekananda

May you always be one with your horse,