Episode 4: Rebecca Braitling, Upspiral Leadership

Who's There?!

Mar 18 2021 • 38 mins

Meet Rebecca Braitling, founder of UpSpiral Leadership, feeding deep passion for developing better leaders and more positive workplaces

Opening and introduction

1:40​​ The UpSprial Leadership mindset: thinking bigger, acting bolder, and collaborating better to create positive change in the world

3:30​​ A personal transition from litigating human resources issues to joining HR to solve human problems before they became issues in law

6:25​​ We are all different in what motivates us and it's important from a rewards standpoint for our organizations to recognize this distinction

11:20​​ A pandemic silver lining - seeing our colleagues in personal spaces reveals more of the whole human beyond just a co-worker

12:45​​ Leadership Forum Community study on 'leading' through Covid - discovery that greater flexibility and autonomy, not fear, has resulted in greater productivity and work/life happiness

14:25​​ Finding stability in rocky times and new practices for connecting and celebrating successes in a virtual corporate world

19:15​​ Total rewards realized by challenging self-development to think bigger about purpose rather than just growing into a new position

22:20​​ Needs, thus rewards, vary throughout our lives and may actually be very simple to provide

22:50​​ Tools to discover individual aspirations and informing organizational leaders toward a more synchronous relationship

26:05​​ Inspiration comes from a well-articulated vision, vision for Individual, Group, Organization, and Society realized through visual storyboard sharing

29:55​​ The more we focus on our differences makes it worse, rather, focus on what is common and our strengths and on what is possible.

31:30​​ Closing