Lessons From a Gaming Industry Entrepreneur With Anthony Castoro

The Here's Waldo Podcast

Feb 20 2024 • 57 mins

Anthony Castoro is the Owner of Protagonist Games, an independent games and technology company specializing in multiplayer and online games. He is also the Founder and CEO of Simulation Theory, a proprietary technologies platform yielding incredible high-performance results for video games, AR/VR, real-time AI applications, and industrial simulations. A gaming industry veteran, Anthony has led teams in developing cutting-edge technologies and immersive gaming environments. With a passion for pushing the boundaries of interactive entertainment, he continues to drive innovation and deliver unforgettable experiences to gamers worldwide.

In this episode…

Entering the realm of gaming entrepreneurship demands a fusion of passion, tenacity, and strategic acumen. What insights can aspiring entrepreneurs glean from accomplished trailblazers as they navigate the intricacies of this vibrant industry?

Video game pioneer Anthony Castoro’s venture into the gaming industry began with a passion for creating immersive and engaging experiences for players. However, his entrepreneurial journey wasn't without challenges. Like many startup founders, Anthony faced obstacles along the way, from funding constraints to market competition. His resilience and determination guided him, teaching him invaluable lessons about perseverance and adaptability. One of his key takeaways is the importance of non-traditional paths in game development. Anthony encourages aspiring entrepreneurs to explore alternative avenues, such as self-teaching, online courses, or participating in game jams. These non-traditional paths not only offer valuable learning experiences but also provide opportunities to showcase creativity and talent.

In the latest episode of the Here’s Waldo Podcast, Lizzie Mintus sits down with Anthony Castoro, Owner of Protagonist Games, to delve into insights and guidance for budding gaming enthusiasts. Anthony reflects on his journey spanning Protagonist Games, Simulation Theory, MaxPlay, and Heat Wave, offering alternative avenues into game development and underscoring the pivotal role of mentorship.