The Influence of Writers on the Gaming Industry With Dean Takahashi

The Here's Waldo Podcast

Mar 15 2024 • 54 mins

Dean Takahashi is the Lead Writer for GamesBeat at VentureBeat, a technology news website that provides news, analysis, features, interviews, and videos. He boasts over 28 years of experience as a tech journalist, with a dedicated focus on gaming. Joining VentureBeat in 2008, Dean previously contributed to esteemed publications such as The Mercury News, the Red Herring, the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, and the Dallas Times-Herald. A prolific author, Dean has penned two acclaimed books, Opening the Xbox and The Xbox 360 Uncloaked. Additionally, he spearheads the organization of the annual GamesBeat and GamesBeat Summit conferences, cementing his role as a prominent figure in the gaming industry.

In this episode…

Gaming writers play a vital role in driving discourse, fostering innovation, and shaping the cultural landscape of the gaming industry. Through their passion, expertise, and dedication, they continue to inspire and influence the trajectory of gaming for years to come.

Dean Takahashi is a pioneering gaming journalist who covers gaming industry developments, provides industry insights, and conducts investigative reporting. Beyond providing critical analysis, which helps consumers make informed purchasing decisions, he uncovers stories and reports on industry trends. Additionally, developers, studios, and publishers look to writers to unveil emerging trends in the gaming industry.

Tune in to the latest episode of the Here’s Waldo Podcast as Lizzie Mintus sits down with Dean Takahashi, Lead Writer for GamesBeat at VentureBeat, to delve into the diverse impact of gaming writers. Dean provides insights into VentureBeat and GamesBeat, offers a glimpse into the daily routine of a gaming industry writer, and explores the evolution of journalism alongside its convergence with generative AI.