Improving Talent Acquisition in the Gaming Industry With Jon Wolheim

The Here's Waldo Podcast

Feb 27 2024 • 57 mins

Jon Wolheim is the Volunteer Vice President of People and Culture at Games For Love, a nonprofit providing video games in children's hospitals and helping medical professionals to meaningfully integrate games into therapies. Jon's education runs through Stanford, USC, and MIT, where he got his start in core Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, ahead of leading some of the largest global HR and hiring teams at Apple and Amazon. Beyond being a top voice on LinkedIn, Jon is a competitive keynote speaker, a highly vocal advocate within the LGBTQ community, and a passionate voice for games and the brilliant minds who make them.

In this episode…

In the ever-evolving gaming industry, acquiring talent is paramount for success. What are some valuable insights into optimizing the talent acquisition process to cultivate a vibrant gaming community?

With extensive experience as a recruiter in the gaming industry, Jon Wolheim has witnessed firsthand its evolution. To foster a thriving community, he emphasizes the importance of streamlining hiring processes, promoting diversity and inclusion, and fostering positive workplace dynamics. By actively addressing biases in hiring practices and prioritizing supportive environments alongside retention strategies, gaming companies can establish inclusive workplaces that drive innovation within the industry.

Tune in to the latest episode of the Here’s Waldo Podcast, where Lizzie Mintus hosts Jon Wolheim, Volunteer Vice President of People and Culture at Games For Love, to explore recruiting practices in the gaming industry and the mission of Games For Love. Jon highlights volunteer opportunities within the organization, pathways to kickstart a career in gaming, methods for streamlining the hiring process, and approaches to fostering diversity and inclusion in recruitment.