Community Management in Games From Crowfall and Eve Online Veteran Valerie Massey

The Here's Waldo Podcast

Apr 2 2024 • 1 hr 7 mins

Valerie Massey is a gaming veteran and community management expert. With more than two decades developing and fostering multiplayer online games, Valerie Massey has worked extensively in public relations, community building, and customer care. She has experience with businesses such as Consortium9, ArtCraft Entertainment, CCP Games, and Leap Motion.

Valerie helped build and establish the Eve Online community from pre-beta through its launch and managed community relations for Crowfall. Her competencies include stellar written and verbal communication skills, crisis strategy, talent management, social media, technical writing, and community building.

In this episode…

Creating a great game with an engaged fanbase is the goal of any developer. However, that is only the beginning. With multiplayer online games, fostering a community can be just as difficult. The constant fluctuation of players and attitudes creates a volatile environment, potentially leading to a starving game.

This is why community management is a vital element of any online game. Valerie Massey is one of the most renowned figures in this field, working with games such as Crowfall and EVE Online. Reflecting on her experiences in building gaming communities, Valerie emphasizes the importance of prioritizing members’ needs and desires in game development. Her approach to community management is still worth studying today with valuable insights for anyone in the games industry.

Join Lizzie Mintus on today’s episode of the Here’s Waldo Podcast as she interviews Valerie Massey, gaming veteran and community management expert, about fostering an incredible community. Valerie discusses building healthy relationships within video games, pre-launch strategy, dealing with problematic players, and knowing when to ban. They also draw directly from Valerie’s experience with EVE Online and Ultima Online.