Season 4: Episode 2: Who are You Sacrificing Your Purpose For?

The She's About Business Show

Jan 24 2021 • 21 mins

Listen, there are some people who will allow you to sacrifice your all for them...even your purpose. Some people do this unintentionally, because their only intention truly is to use you, control you, manipulate you, etc... but if you are unwise enough to allow this to break you, depress you, and ultimately pull you away from your purpose, they won't stop you either. Sis, come on! Stop sacrificing your purpose, yourself, for others! Listen in, learn, and be inspired! Also, don't forget to visit to find out more about the She's About Business App, Book Series, Roku Channel and to discover how you can connect with and work with me one-on-one! -xoxo Diathe