CONTENT is Not King, The King has Content | In Conversation with Sujata Upadhyay

Industrial & B2B Marketing by Bejoy Peter

Mar 23 2022 • 31 mins

Great content is an important asset. It has the ability to create positive experiences for your potential customers and compel them to come back for more. It's your ticket to capturing your audience's attention and continually reinforcing a positive brand impression.

Content marketing answers your audience’s questions and helps you build trust, develop relationships, improve conversions, and generate leads. In today’s age, customers expect high-quality, consistent content from their favourite brands. Great content can last forever continuing to deliver results (and benefits) for many years into the future!

Hope you enjoy the podcast as much as we did to present it to you. You may connect with Bejoy on his LinkedIn account, and with Sujata  on her LinkedIn account, to engage further.

I look forward to your feedback on this podcast. If you are interested in running a discussion/sharing your point of view on Industrial Marketing, do connect with me at

Thanks for tuning in to our podcast today! We hope you enjoyed the conversation. If you have any questions, comments, or would like to engage further, feel free to reach out to Bejoy Peter. You can write to him at or give him a call at +919850555795.

We appreciate your support and look forward to hearing from you. Until next time, take care and keep exploring!