Ep. 95 Reloaded Episode #20 Understanding Hospice: Finding a Hospice Agency and Knowing When to Call

Hospice Explained Podcast

May 5 2024 • 13 mins

Ep. 95 Understanding Hospice: Finding a Hospice Agency and Knowing When to Call
This episode of Hospice Explained, hosted by Marie Betcher RN, revisits the topic from episode 20 about identifying the right time to call the nurse or the hospice team for assistance. It begins with guidance on using medicare.gov to find local hospice agencies by zip code.
The episode stresses the importance of choosing the right hospice provider by doing thorough research, seeking multiple opinions, and understanding what to expect from hospice care.
Additionally, the episode covers when to contact the hospice team once care has commenced, focusing on managing medications, supplies, equipment, and addressing common hospice care challenges such as uncontrolled pain, shortness of breath, terminal agitation, and equipment issues.
The podcast aims to decrease fear and increase education surrounding hospice care, urging listeners to be proactive in their approach to end-of-life care.
Marie Betcher also announces her decision to include affiliate links rather than ads on the podcast to support Hospice Explained financially.
00:00 Introduction to Hospice Explained
00:29 Revisiting Episode 20: When to Call the Nurse and Hospice Team
00:50 Finding a Hospice Agency: Tips and Resources
01:47 Affiliate Announcements and Listener Appreciation
02:33 Original Episode 20 Replay: Navigating Hospice Care
02:51 Understanding When to Call the Hospice Team
06:19 Proactive Measures and Communication with Hospice
12:40 Closing Thoughts and Dedication

Finding a Hospice Agency

1. You can use Medicare.gov to help find a hospice agency,

2. choose Find provider

3. Choose Hospice

4. then add your zip code

This should be a list of Hospice Agencies local to you or your loved one.

Dr. G at the Heart of Healthcare

Episode #36 goes into more depth on how to choose the best Hospice for your Needs:

Apple Podcast:
https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/dr-g-at-the-heart-of-healthcare/id1680843209?i=1000640745856Hospice for you or your loved ones needs.

YouTube: https://youtu.be/k7xIezN47sM?si=ktVe27zMOwnaF3Ht

Hospice Explained Affiliates & Contact Information

Buying from these Affilite links will help support this Podcast.
In addition you can donate to help support Hospice Explained at the Buy me a Coffee link https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Hospice

Affiliate for DNA is Love listeners also get a 5% discount!!


The Death Deck and the E*O*L deck:

Kacie Gikonyo's Death Doula School

Marie's Contact

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