Freya Savage: Entrepreneur, Raw-Food Chef, and Financial Advisor

Spread Great Ideas: The Podcast

Jan 6 2020 • 1 hr 12 mins

Freya Savage is an impressive, multi-faceted woman: An established entrepreneur, a devotee to plant-based health & wellness, a certified raw food chef, an ultra-marathoner, and a successful financial planner.  She’s heavily involved in food & health as well as finance, which whilst it might seem like an unusual combination at first glance, in Freya’s view this combo all revolves around the same thing: Wealth.

In this episode Freya and I discuss a variety of topics including different methods of building a successful, location independent business, establishing one’s boundaries and healthy routines, what to keep in mind when starting on a new endeavor, how to own your attractiveness, and why (and how!) to make time & space for yourself in an increasingly busy world.

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