5 - Unleashing the Power of Heart-Centric Branding: A Paradigm Shift for Businesses with Viim's Steph Hilfer

Product Led Growth Leaders

Feb 20 2024 • 21 mins

Your host, Thomas Watkins, talks with the Owner and Creative Director of Viim, Steph Hilfer. Steph spoke on what heart-centric branding truly means. It's an approach that goes beyond the transactional aspects of business and focuses on creating a genuine connection with consumers. Heart-centric branding is about tapping into the authentic core of a brand and sharing that truth with the world. It's not just about selling a product or service; it's about resonating with customers on a deeper level, through shared values and beliefs.

When asked for an example, Steph highlighted industries where trust is non-negotiable, such as financial advising or healthcare. In these fields, heart-centric branding can be the differentiator that builds trust by authentically communicating a business's values and mission. This approach isn't just about what you offer but who you are as a business and how you connect with the needs and values of your clients.

A key takeaway from the discussion was the importance of internal alignment within an organization. Steph emphasized that a staggering 80% of brand work should be focused internally. The rationale is simple: for a brand to be perceived as genuine, the people within the company must live and breathe the same values that the brand projects to the outside world. This internal-external consistency is what makes every customer interaction feel authentic.

Connect with Steph on LinkedIn HERE.

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