Penelope Part II

Bitches & Bourbon

Jul 27 2023 • 26 mins

Originally recorded: 20230707

Length: 26:11

As the Bitches are sometimes wont to do, this conversation goes all over the place for a really long time. But, in true host fashion, Ape has cut it up, cleaned it out, and condensed a raucous evening into 26 minutes of moderately useful and entertaining-to-us content.

Penelope Part II

Purchase details:

Location: Jeff’s Beverage

Date: 5/01/2023

Cost: Architect - $60

Rose Cask - $70

Type: Bourbon

Distillery: In Lawrenceburg, IN

Bottled in: Penelope Bourbon Bottling Company, Frankfort, KY

Proof: Architect – 104 (52%)

Rose Cask – 94 (47%)

Composition: Undisclosed

Age: 4 years

BoozApp says:

Avg MSRP - $60.00 / $64.99

Fair Price   - $82.48 / $83.49

Shelf Price - $66.00 / $71.39

Links for this episode

Books with Bitches & Bourbon


Tonnellerie Radoux OakScan

01:30 Ape and Reba say hello and introduce the Books with Bitches & Bourbon Ladies

03:20 Quick recap of the first Penelope episode

05:00 Penelope Rose Cask finish

07:40 Ape ranks her Penelope’s and rails against other toasted offerings

11:35 The bookclub affect

14:05 Our decisions to put out episodes (even the ones that have in the ditch moments)

15:45 It’s kinda like Penelope

24:30 Penelope Architect and the Tonnellerie Radoux OakScan system