Japanese Whisky with Chuck Johnson

Bitches & Bourbon

May 13 2024 • 41 mins

Originally recorded: 20230728

Length: 00:41:07

Should we have recorded two shows in one night? Probably not. But Ape and Reba double-booked themselves and we are nothing if not professionals. Did you keep a straight face on that last part? Neither did I when I typed it. At any rate, here’s your foray into Japanese whisky and shenanigans. You’re Welcome.

Japanese Whisky with Chuck Johnson

Purchase details:

Location: Gift

Date: ???

Cost: $$

Type: Japanese Whisky

Links for this episode


Hibiki Suntory Whisky

01:30 Ape is really trying to herd the cats…it doesn’t really work…not even with a paintball buzzer

02:50 Introducing Chuck Johnson and his fit

08:45 We move into Japan Whisky, and we start with the Tenjaku

11:00 We circle back to intros…and I edit out and move quickly (for you) back to Japanese Whisky – and why it is spelled without the “e”

14:00 We love on our servicemembers and their families – especially the kids

17:00 Big shout out to LCDR(RET) Theresa Rouse

20:30 Back to the whisky

28:00 Moving into the Hibiki Suntory Whisky

33:00 Japanese Whisky water, demand, and the new regulations

39:00 Ravi sees us out