Higher Yourself (Trailer)

Higher Yourself

Feb 20 2023 • 2 mins

This is your captain speaking, welcome on board the Higher Yourself podcast. Please fasten your seatbelts and buckle up as we journey through the wonders of the human mind with its powerful ability to rise above and overcome adversity then still go on to achieve the seemingly impossible.

My name is Ryan aka The Soul Mechanic and I am a holistic life coach based in Ibiza Spain, helping people all over the world like you overcome mental habits that may be getting in the way of your true potential. Whether it is anxiety, a lack of focus or motivation, maybe it’s procrastination, unhealthy cravings or habits. Perhaps you are having dating, intimacy and relationship challenges. All of the above have one thing in common, and that is what your unconscious mind is used to already doing on automatic.

Did you know that your unconscious is a good 95 to 98% of your awareness. That means that the other 2 to 5% is what you are consciously aware of. Consciously what you are thinking of at any given time. No wonder it gets tiring to make the most desired changes in life happen, if you've only got 2 to 5% on board.

Coaching the unconscious mind is what I do and this is where fast, permanent change is possible. I think of it like a big sturdy elephant running how you show up in life daily, your unconscious mind is a stubborn force to reckon with, but with the right approach, even your inner elephant can be quickly set onto your desired tasks, making things so much easier and without having to use so much energy to get to where you want to.

Subscribe to this Higher Yourself podcast for specific life tools to help you declutter your inner world and feel more grounded and centred. That is a space that you want to be making your life decisions from.

I’ll also be sharing some of my self-directed neuroplasticity change stories that have taken me to places that didn’t seem possible beforehand.

Soul Mechanic coaching sessions are often fun and intriguing, and empower people to continue working on their inner change wherever they are. If you’d like to chat more about how I can help you get back on track, contact me on smx@ryankoriya.com and otherwise...

Let’s play 😉🚀✨

You can also listen to and subscribe to my Relationships, Dating and Intimacy podcast here: