Episode 19 -Tomorrow, The Biggest Myth of All

Daily Words of Whisdom

Aug 4 2023 • 15 mins

Does tomorrow really exist. Well think about this for a moment with me. Let's say the clock says 1159 and 59 seconds. And then bam one, click one second off the clock and instantly. Tomorrow becomes today. So when truth. I think you'll agree with me. Man tomorrow, not only is it not guaranteed, it never shows up. It's fictitious. Because it becomes today in an instant. Well today with my episode, 19 of my words, wisdom. I'm going to use lesson one from book five, the blueprint to independent success. This book mainly talks about goals and confidence. And today it's going to talk about how the make, how to make the most of today right now, because we put it off. We do. We say I'll start tomorrow. Well, my friends that won't work.